I guess approved delivery of a vaccine will have approved needles, syringes etc?
Not using correct needles might open up to legal issues?
Although wasteful, there is something to be said in time critical situations where it might be appropriate to just Chuck something and carry on. Fridge capacity, expiry dates and so on.
I’m more worried about the reported 28% uptake of vaccine from black and ethnic groups.
Yeh I read a piece on that yesterday, apparently it is really prevalent in South Asian communities as well, so they are try to work with community leaders, faith leaders, cultural icons in those communities to dispel a lot of the doubts, apparently there is all sort of misinformation circulating, like the vaccine containing meat or pork etc.
Not to be dismissive or snarky, so apologies if it comes off that way, but I can't help but feel someone's got the wrong end of the stick with this anecdote. And if not, were I told to destroy two hundred doses of a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic due to a branding issue, I'd be on the phone with a superior/the press. That pharmacist in the States was arrested for spoiling 500 doses. People are taking this pretty seriously.