• Pretty annoying as brexit is a predictable shitshow otherwise, so they will just use this to hide the damage.

    Yep. If the vaccination plan is a success it will probably save Boris Johnson too, which is incredibly frustrating, especially when the UK's vaccine savvy (or supply at least) is actually all down to the much maligned Kate Bingham.

  • To be fair they vaccinated 220,000 people yesterday

    To hit target they need to be vaccinating 355,000 people per day, that will increase as each day passes where they are below that but the vaccinations do seem to be going well.

    the UK is undeniably way ahead of other countries in the EU

    Without the vaccine we should have locked down much sooner which would have had a far greater impact than even the fastest vaccine rollout, in my opinion.

  • Tragically I don't think there's any chance that they'll manage to run the vaccination program with either the urgency, rigour or competence that's required.

    I think there's a good chance because fortunately it's not the Tories actually running it, it's the NHS, and from what I've heard the NHS is actually pretty darn good at vaccinations.

    The problem is that if they succeed the Tories will claim the credit and go on and on about our world leading vaccination programme.

    I'm sure you'll always be able to find examples like that, especially in the early days, but given the numbers vaccinated so far it fortunately seems a little premature to start writing off the vaccination programme.

    Edit: Sorry, what @ just said

    the UK is doing a relatively good job in vaccinating the population not due to Johnson or any of the Tories, but thanks to the efforts of the NHS, various scientific and academic specialists, and volunteers.
