• Any lower than 1:1 and you should have bought an XC bike

    What is it about XC bikes that makes them more suitable to lower gears?

  • Ask @amey but I think it's to do with the M in MTB.

    Or the fact that gravel bikes are supposed to be fast. If you're climbing that slowly, you may as well be on an MTB and have access to/enjoy the tech downs more.

  • enjoy the tech downs more.

    esp the black section top of beddlestead

  • Makes no sense. I'm using 42T on gradients that MTBs would be using 50T on.

    The whole if you are riding that slow, walk, is bullshit too. Because no one factors in the time taken to stagger off a bike, walk it and then try and remount at a more suitable gradient. There's also the break in momentum, etc.

    I can rid my gravel bike on the road with my missus and use the same bike to go climb a rocky mountain. MTB would get more places more comfortably but also be slower on the road and, critically, in my case, I already owned an 'adventure' bike.
