If there is a reduction- I suspect we're in a minor dip related to the 'tightening' pre-Christmas.
Some hospitals are utilising a virtual ward system- with home pulse oximeters and a team dedicated to reviewing these over a period of time, with appropriate treatment being given OOH.
I'm not sure if these will count as 'admissions' under the stats- but if so- expect a massive rise as this becomes a more utilised pathway- not necessarily reflective of a worsening in status.In either case- I suspect we've got a second peak in this 'wave' to come over the next fortnight, with the inevitable follow on of admissions and deaths thereafter.
To continue my general grim predictions-by Easter we will see evidence of vaccine/ antigenic escape in a variant.
I hope I'm wrong.
I'm not so sure, there's an awful lot of patients going to hospital with it. And an awful lot of people who are dead within 28 days of their test.