I've just taken the plunge into the world of Selle SMP. Did y'll find a massive difference in the positioning of the SMP compared to your old saddles?
I'm switching from a Specialized power which has always been a bit wide for my narrow bony butt. On the spesh I had to use a 25mm setback post with the saddle jammed all the way back; admittedly largely due to my 74.5 degree STA.
With the SMP I can get comfortable right on the back and it's so far forward in comparison I might even need an inline post; seems absurd for such a steep STA. I noticed @edscoble has an inline on his Seta; any thoughts?
Not huge, I don’t think. Coming from a 155mm romin to a composit my saddle came forward about 0.5/1cm, when measuring saddle nose to bar. Shoes changed at same time so difficult to say wrt to saddle height but prob stayed similar or dropped a few mm.
OK thanks. TBH I think a lot of the discrepancy I'm seeing is because I wasn't using the rear third of the Spesh as it was too wide. It's working out much easier as I don't have to have miles and miles of setback.
I've just taken the plunge into the world of Selle SMP. Did y'll find a massive difference in the positioning of the SMP compared to your old saddles?
I'm switching from a Specialized power which has always been a bit wide for my narrow bony butt. On the spesh I had to use a 25mm setback post with the saddle jammed all the way back; admittedly largely due to my 74.5 degree STA.
With the SMP I can get comfortable right on the back and it's so far forward in comparison I might even need an inline post; seems absurd for such a steep STA. I noticed @edscoble has an inline on his Seta; any thoughts?