I've just used a Windows server so never got into the world of all the different NASs and what the difference is. The PC Tech thread may be able to cast some more light.
I back up to a couple of drives. Nothing is that critical that if the whole thing dies I'll be distraught.
Making whole disk images isn't the most efficient way of doing it. As @jellybaby says it's better to just back up your config files, etc but I create a disk image as I'm lazy. When it dies you just write another image and stick the card in and off you go again. Storage is cheap so I'm not fussed about images being generated every couple of weeks.
Storage is cheap so I'm not fussed about images being generated every couple of weeks.
Are yours breaking that frequently? Are you doing complex stuff with them? I'd hope a zero running radio via vlc player daily wouldn't corrupt every few weeks?
I've just used a Windows server so never got into the world of all the different NASs and what the difference is. The PC Tech thread may be able to cast some more light.
I back up to a couple of drives. Nothing is that critical that if the whole thing dies I'll be distraught.
Making whole disk images isn't the most efficient way of doing it. As @jellybaby says it's better to just back up your config files, etc but I create a disk image as I'm lazy. When it dies you just write another image and stick the card in and off you go again. Storage is cheap so I'm not fussed about images being generated every couple of weeks.