• Use Garmin to create a virtual partner and ride some 5 mile and 10 miles efforts.

    Not structured as such and not very scientific but I guarantee it’ll make you quicker.

    Hmmm. Imma gonna bite. This is pretty bad advice. Any progress will follow a progression. Do you know the above workout is a progression from what otherwise would be ridden?

  • I can see helping people that don't have a power meter to follow when testing so its just another pacing tool to help squeeze a bit more out in a single effort but not very scientific or part of a plan as stated but it can help.
    Runners are using wavelight on the track now which i suppose is the same and BC have used avatars set slightly faster than track riders PB's telling them it was just their PB and most of them were able to match it setting new ones in the process so there's definitely something in it. But then there's strava, zwift etc so there's always something to chase outside of actual races. Personally i prefer caffeine and techno 😁

  • It’s not the virtual partner bit that’s contentious.

    It’s the ‘guarantee it’ll make you quicker’.

    Unless I’m reading that wrong. And it’s advocating a virtual partner over no virtual partner and riding exactly the same session?

  • Personally i prefer caffeine and techno 😁

    Now you're talking.
