Have heard that stretching is not good for an achy Achilles and can slow down recovery. Apparently eccentric heel drops are best. Obvs your physio's advice is best.
Not had pins and needles before. Typically some pain and/or creaking.
I'm not a physio and all that, but AFAIK the risks/benefits of stretching with achilles problems depends on how far the damage goes. Break-down of the tendon tissue beyond a certain point means that stretching can do more harm than good, and "slight pain" definitely sounds like a cue to avoid it. +1 for heel drops (and resting), in lieu of physio advice.
People who’ve had Achilles issues: are pins and needles and slight pain when stretching a bad sign? Should I continue to stretch or avoid it? There’s no pain running or doing calf raises.
I’m seeing my physio on Monday but wanted to see what to do before then.