Is that a zone one fan?
Our electrician recommended this one (also from TLC)
https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/VASF100TC.html?source=adwords&ad_position=&ad_id=315107931576&placement=&kw=&network=u&matchtype=&ad_type=&product_id=VASF100TC&product_partition_id=987624279567&campaign=shopping&version=finalurl_v3&gclid=CjwKCAiA57D_BRAZEiwAZcfCxWWYcdO3_8DyybHzVX4KPf5LricxfYMQh0d2ilkBFZJDojWUyfewCxoCYDcQAvD_BwESome of the posher ones have humidity sensors which does sound good (if it works).
Two types of humidity sensing fan - absolute and rate rise. Absolute (cheaper) come on when the air is humid, which includes when it is raining outside and not necessarily when you think it feels humid, the other sort sees rapid humidity increases and triggers from them, which means it captures showers/tumble driers/etc.
It’s only half tiled. I’m not sure if the fan will be sufficient but it was the best one they made. It’s here.