It’s only half tiled. I’m not sure if the fan will be sufficient but it was the best one they made. It’s here.
Is that a zone one fan?
Our electrician recommended this one (also from TLC)
https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/VASF100TC.html?source=adwords&ad_position=&ad_id=315107931576&placement=&kw=&network=u&matchtype=&ad_type=&product_id=VASF100TC&product_partition_id=987624279567&campaign=shopping&version=finalurl_v3&gclid=CjwKCAiA57D_BRAZEiwAZcfCxWWYcdO3_8DyybHzVX4KPf5LricxfYMQh0d2ilkBFZJDojWUyfewCxoCYDcQAvD_BwESome of the posher ones have humidity sensors which does sound good (if it works).
Looks great.
Will that extractor be sufficient for a fully tiled room with external walls? Or is there another in the roof?