To be fair, I don't know how else they can be interpreted - Gov.UK guidelines are very specific to stop people moving between areas:
"Travelling within a Tier 4 area
If you live in a Tier 4 area, you must not leave your home unless you have a reasonable excuse (for example, for work or education purposes). If you need to travel you should stay local – meaning avoiding travelling outside of your village, town or the part of a city where you live – and look to reduce the number of journeys you make overall. The list of reasons you can leave your home and area include, but are not limited to...outdoor recreation or exercise. This should be done locally wherever possible, but you can travel a short distance within your Tier 4 area to do so if necessary (for example, to access an open space)Travelling out of a Tier 4 area
You must stay at home and not leave your Tier 4 area, other than for legally permitted reasons such as:travel to work where you cannot work from home
travel to education and for caring responsibilities
visit or stay overnight with people in your support bubble, or your childcare bubble for childcare purposes
attend hospital, GP and other medical appointments or visits where you have had an accident or are concerned about your health
to provide emergency assistance, and to avoid injury or illness, or to escape a risk of harm (such as domestic abuse)"
I couldn't find the bit in that which says you couldn't ride from one Tier 4 area into another though, that was the problem. It depends how you define your Tier 4 area - Audax UK inferred London's famous London but as @grams says my understanding was that 'your Tier 4 area' = 'The Tier 4 area' and it was OK as long as you didn't leave Tier 4...
Anyway, all moot now - what we need to worry about now is what the wonderfully vague 'local' means!
Yeah... interesting interpretation. This is their Tier 4 guidance which you will have seen but I'm sharing for the benefit of others:
Not sure I agree with their interpretation, which nobody else seems to be using. If my club used their interpretation it would mean our members couldn't ride into Essex, which is 7 miles away.
Which would be a bit daft for a road club.