I was one who opted for the Spiral Ride last month and it wasn't too bad when I did it. Got a bit grim around the East London portion, especially around Barking and Dagenham, but I was going through there around midday on Christmas Eve so possibly extra traffic with people shopping or something not sure. Looking like there's going to be a few more imaginative London rides for the next couple of months at this rate too.
I'm eight months into my 3rd RRtY but the way AUK is interpreting the latest Covid guidelines means any future 200s (for the moment, anyway) I do have to stay within London. I've seen chat of the London Spiral ride in the cycling in corona times thread, and I have a couple of pals who did a London boroughs 200 on new years day, but fuck me, their report of it sounded grim.
Nevermind, eh.