No I would not be rehanging shelves once a year, or re-grout either. But wood needs oil to protect it from the water and if once a year (OK this is me to keep near 100 years old worktop looking good) or perhaps once every 2-3 if done properly first time is a small price to pay to have nice kitchen.
Do you clean your bike less than once a year? Do you use any polish/wax etc on it? Same for your car if you own one? You don't shop for clothes in Primark I hope, as that would be....well telling me all.
Sorry, but that kind of water damage is just not acceptable, you should've acted earlier. And if you do plan to reuse it
I have a Belfast sink sunk in my 1930s wooden top, currently awaiting the original winged brass taps back from refurb, I used danish oil once or twice a year and other oils in between (cheapo IKEA one for an example) every so often and is still looking good after being installed 20y ageo with another 70 odd years living in a school lab.
Wood is a live thing, treat it as such and it will be fine.....