1° equates to roughly 1cm of reach.
I’m sorry, I really don’t think you’re going to find the answer you’re looking for here. If you want a good bike, just copy the geometry of a good bike. I can’t quite comprehend why you have your heart set on this ‘crazy’ geo. There’s a reason bike manufacturers use the geo they do, and it’s because they’re generally good bikes.
If you want something on the tighter end of the spectrum, just copy a Mash Parallax and be done with it.
A steep seat tube angle does not necessarily mean all of their weight is on their handlebars, because it depends on the other components installed on the bike. Also, some people’s physiology can require them to have unusual angles.
I don’t have a set time to how much I ride everyday. Usually I would ride instead of taking the public transport to go to places like malls or to run some errands. The actual ride though is usually 20-30km and takes about an hour or two. I understand why you would think that all of my weight will be on the handlebars. I have a question how much difference does 1 degree make? I have seen people daily Cinelli Parallaxes which has a 76 st angle (size xs) and it’s ok for them. Even so how did the person with the 81 st angle bike uses the bike as a workhorse and even go on tour in Paris even when all his weight is uncomfortably on the handlebars?