Yeah guess it has to be.
I'm originally from a very low income area, low population density but theft was super low, in cities its naturally higher as there more opportunity to acquire and move on, but never ceases to surprise me.
Having spotted thiefs, researched and/or followed them, the ones I've tracked down don't lead a life where theft is a necessity to get by. Obv just a handful of examples that I've witnessed, but still those kids were well dressed, clean, just sad that this is the path they've been put on
This week chased two sets of young kids off our street, trying doors (and more often than not getting inside buildings because no door in this city shuts right lol), again today, caught two of them dragging a bike out of a flat door, builders from other side of street helped put the fear into them.
So will expect them back next week!
Just have been 8 years old, wonder what their incentive is, as it won't be money at that age surely.