I agree that it's undoubtedly already in France (maybe I'm wrong but I don't think the French are claiming that it's not either), but why does that mean it's futile to try and stop even more of it being brought in?
I've no idea why it wasn't being done for the lesser transmitted version, perhaps because they thought that asking people to quarantine on arrival was enough to contain it. The Netherlands was the first to ban travel from UK, and I can tell you anecdotally that until last week there was still tourists arriving from UK and clearly not quarantining. If they've got this new strain then it would vastly increase the amount of people they could potentially infect.
Identified doesn't necessarily mean fully understood.
I think maybe there's a bit of disparity in how it's all being communicated in the media and how it's actually happened. Lots of headlines saying that the Gov 'knew about this new strain since September', but I have a feeling that they didn't know how contagious it was until recently, hence the drastic Tier 4 introduction.