The order of those came out a little screwy, but the bog-roll inner is ~50mm diameter and just over 100mm in length, so it's very close to the dimensions of the tube I'm thinking of using.
The circle marked on the arm is where I'd go through it with the hole saw, should give plenty of surface area to weld the arm onto the tube as the arm would go round half of the tube from each direction, if that makes sense.
I think a 50mm tube would be pretty stiff, but I'd plate the ends and add gussets to stiffen things up further.
If anyone knows of a pedal fabrication specialist please shout out.
The stiffness of the bit you suggest adding is one question, but the stiffness of the original retained pedal arm is another. It doesn't look like it will enjoy the resulting torsion from the offset pedal as others have said.
The order of those came out a little screwy, but the bog-roll inner is ~50mm diameter and just over 100mm in length, so it's very close to the dimensions of the tube I'm thinking of using.
The circle marked on the arm is where I'd go through it with the hole saw, should give plenty of surface area to weld the arm onto the tube as the arm would go round half of the tube from each direction, if that makes sense.
I think a 50mm tube would be pretty stiff, but I'd plate the ends and add gussets to stiffen things up further.
If anyone knows of a pedal fabrication specialist please shout out.