Thinking it loud here slightly, but I need to do a bit more deck planning over Christmas with a view to actually getting in some footings in the spring. I would like the beds on either side to sit level with the deck, I've currently excavated most of 10" below the finished level. Now wondering if I should combine the footings for retaining walls and posts (more excavation - yay!) Or maybe fix the deck frame to retaining walls. Anyone done similar?
Highly actuate CAD drawing below shows retaining walls in red.
Thinking it loud here slightly, but I need to do a bit more deck planning over Christmas with a view to actually getting in some footings in the spring. I would like the beds on either side to sit level with the deck, I've currently excavated most of 10" below the finished level. Now wondering if I should combine the footings for retaining walls and posts (more excavation - yay!) Or maybe fix the deck frame to retaining walls. Anyone done similar?
Highly actuate CAD drawing below shows retaining walls in red.
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