The tripod on my Skywatcher Newtonian reflector has cracked, can you get replacement bits? It has a GoTo mount, hope I don't have to replace the whole thing?
I was actually thinking about giving it away to my local special school and getting a refractor for portability. Would I be able to mount one on a camera tripod? Or am I better off getting some nice, big binoculars and put those on a tripod? I want something I can stick in the back of the car and set up really easily out in the bush... Max magnification for buck!
That's good news, I haven't used it in years... The last place we lived in London didn't have a view of the sky then when I unpacked the tripod in Oz it had snapped!
Annoying... Also too bulky and fragile to carry around, wish I'd got a refractor or a pair of good binoculars instead...
The tripod on my Skywatcher Newtonian reflector has cracked, can you get replacement bits? It has a GoTo mount, hope I don't have to replace the whole thing?
I was actually thinking about giving it away to my local special school and getting a refractor for portability. Would I be able to mount one on a camera tripod? Or am I better off getting some nice, big binoculars and put those on a tripod? I want something I can stick in the back of the car and set up really easily out in the bush... Max magnification for buck!