Ive set the timings as 5 days, which is obviously ages. So you make a move, then it alerts the other player to make a move, who has 5 days to do it. Most of the time you play a few moves a day and the games last 3-4 days or so depending on how attentive people are.
You play everyone in your group at the same time, so you will have two games going on at the same time
Ive set the timings as 5 days, which is obviously ages. So you make a move, then it alerts the other player to make a move, who has 5 days to do it. Most of the time you play a few moves a day and the games last 3-4 days or so depending on how attentive people are.
You play everyone in your group at the same time, so you will have two games going on at the same time