Dropped it off at Argos yesterday. I stripped the bb and good news is the serial number matches steerer, looks like a little centre punch mark between the chain stays (Ron Cooper’s mark), lugs look quite tidy. Bad news is under the horrible layers of paint there isn’t a saveable original finish (I could see traces of a metallic lilac around the bb, guess that’s original colour); also top tube is a bit bent as well as crushed. Anyway, first step is they’ll blast off the paint, take it from there. I’ll put some pics on the Gillott thread tomorrow. I couldn’t face stripping another frame in the bathtub. My wife also looked pretty sceptical when I said I’d bought it by accident. Had to get it out the house!
The bits are mostly clean now, the front Record derailleur cage is nearly worn through! I think I can mostly cover the £300 purchase price selling some of it. I could probably mostly cover the Argos bill selling the Hi-Lo, it’s filling me with lustful thoughts though 😬
I was expecting some more before and after photos of the Gillott. How is it.