Anyone know how many flu vaccinations are given each year?
'More than 14m' in 2019.
I agree 25m is loads but I don't know if it is 'enough'.
For me enough of the population are vaccinated when the numbers in hospital are declining while life goes back to something more normal (tier 1 or lower perhaps). There might be a lot of infected people about but as long as that isn't leading to hospitalization I'd accept that.
My bet, having seen the efficiency of our local vaccine centre today, is yes.
Absolute stars working there, incredibly efficient, and genuinely impressive.
1 minute slots!
Now to work.
'More than 14m' in 2019.
I agree 25m is loads but I don't know if it is 'enough'.
For me enough of the population are vaccinated when the numbers in hospital are declining while life goes back to something more normal (tier 1 or lower perhaps). There might be a lot of infected people about but as long as that isn't leading to hospitalization I'd accept that.