My only annoyance is if its mounted on saddle rails esp up high the corners will fuck your bibs up.
Also I cant get myself to pay another £22 for it for other bike(s).
Also the best feature of it is the reactions from non cyclists is friendlier rather than 'another fucking lycra twat'. More like 'oh wait ... is that .. ffs another fucking lycra twat, lets close pass him'.
You are welcome United Kingdom.
My only annoyance is if its mounted on saddle rails esp up high the corners will fuck your bibs up.
Also I cant get myself to pay another £22 for it for other bike(s).
Also the best feature of it is the reactions from non cyclists is friendlier rather than 'another fucking lycra twat'. More like 'oh wait ... is that .. ffs another fucking lycra twat, lets close pass him'.