I am fully aware of that, but you don't get the choice. It's not a blocker for me.
Some people do not agree with it in principle which is fair enough as well.I don't know what it means in practice, do I send her a birthday card? It is a bit strange though as the born Brits don't need to do it. Do I need to be MORE loyal?
It makes you more British obviously. You won the quiz, you paid the fee and you have sworn allegiance unlike those queue jumpers that were just born here. Most of them probably
wouldn't even qualify for residence due to the minimum income threshold.
I haven't really put any thought into it just went through the motions. The British citizenship
doesn't add much value beyond solving a local bureaucratic hassle.
Plus you have to swear allegiance to the the Queen and her heirs and successors. Not joking, it’s a requirement for naturalisation.