• I think so. I don't feel at all English despite being born and living here all my life.

    To me England means countryside, driving to the pub (and presumably driving home half drunk), a suspicion of 'people not from round here' etc. I don't identify with any of that.

    When there are forms that ask if I am English/Scottish/Welsh/other I tick other and write in Londoner. I expect someone who identifies as Scottish might do something similar if the form had an option for British/other.

    For what it's worth, which I'm aware is little, I don't even identify England as a nation. To be a nation you need international recognition with things like UN seats and embassies. We should have a UK national football team for all events, not just the Olympics.

    (And our football leagues should be local so supporters can go to all the home and away games with a smaller carbon footprint)

  • For what it's worth, which I'm aware is little, I don't even identify England as a nation. To be a nation you need international recognition with things like UN seats and embassies. We should have a UK national football team for all events, not just the Olympics.

    Do you identify Catalunya as a nation? Or Scotland?

  • Do you identify Catalunya as a nation? Or Scotland?

    Today I don't think either are a nation, no. They might have been in the past and could be again today but aren't right now. If they were to become independent nations in the future they might have different boundaries to before too.

    I sometimes think in the British Isles we are a little more convinced a nation is a fixed thing because of the sea. The people of Alsace-Lorraine might feel differently.
