Not long after arriving in Oz I was pootling along the waterfront on my polo bike, enjoying the day and the beautiful view at Suttons Beach, QLD... Up ahead was a long line of people coming towards me blocking the entire width of the path, I didn't have any space to get past so I slowed right down and politely dinged my compliancy bell...
Nobody made a space so I had to stop, one of their number, a gammon faced Scotsman in his early 70s came right up to me, straddled my front wheel, got in my face and told me that if I'd run into him he would've kicked my head in...
I politely reminded him that as he was over twenty years my senior and well out of shape that I think he would struggle to make good on that statement... I asked him to back the fuck up before I decked him in front of his mates, he complied without hesitation...
TBH I wish I'd decked him there and then but it was such a nice day and I was so chill that it seemed a shame to ruin the moment... Humans are vile creatures... #csb
The gammon (it’s always gammon) who confidently stride along the right hand side of NCN paths in the country causing mayhem on busy cycle paths.
Walk on the fucking left you utter caricature.
Yeah I know on a country road you walk on the right, but this is a path and you will cause a crash you stupid cunt. Do you think you are right and the 150 people that had to swerve to avoid you are somehow wrong?