Stop/start started working again on tbt way home from Swinley, which is interesting.
I’m taking the car for a thorough inspection and written report on Wednesday- £183, but I think we’ll spent.
Harratts, the dealer I bought from, has refused to fund any further diagnostics or work to rectify the stop/start, which makes it pretty binary- either I read the report and decide to keep the car, or I reject it and Harratts can come and get it and refund my money. As they won’t countenance any further work it’s going to have to be the punchy option.
Stop/start started working again on tbt way home from Swinley, which is interesting.
I’m taking the car for a thorough inspection and written report on Wednesday- £183, but I think we’ll spent.
Harratts, the dealer I bought from, has refused to fund any further diagnostics or work to rectify the stop/start, which makes it pretty binary- either I read the report and decide to keep the car, or I reject it and Harratts can come and get it and refund my money. As they won’t countenance any further work it’s going to have to be the punchy option.