Bats are awesome, they are everywhere here... They leave their daytime roost at dusk and then spread themselves out all over the peninsula to feed... Huge fruit bats/flying foxes, quite scary when you spook one at night and it bolts out of a tree, the wings make a proper woof sound...
That was early days, I didn't see them til '82 but I was only 14 so was doing okay... I loved DAF around that time, was mental for all that early 80s electronic stuff... Until TBP came along and all I was interested in was making a racket with a guitar after that...
Bats are awesome, they are everywhere here... They leave their daytime roost at dusk and then spread themselves out all over the peninsula to feed... Huge fruit bats/flying foxes, quite scary when you spook one at night and it bolts out of a tree, the wings make a proper woof sound...
Here's teen me's fave song about bats...