Unless Armageddon pretty much any sensible* share tracker will out perform London rental property based on yearly yield alone factoring in fees and expenses.
Rental will get you less than 5% yearly, investing should over a good amount of time get you more when you average it back to yearly yield.
Over a long term timeframe it’s pretty likely you’d come out poorer if you keep the flat and rent it compared to if you did some fairly unexciting and hands off investing.
* moderate - low risk level, well diversified, global. Or just the S&P500
I agree with regards the yield. However most properties are mortgaged essentially leaveraged investments. Esp with the low interest rates they are likely to out perform equities that are cash held. I wouldsteer clear of leaveraged equities even professionals have ruined themselves with them.
Unless Armageddon pretty much any sensible* share tracker will out perform London rental property based on yearly yield alone factoring in fees and expenses.
Rental will get you less than 5% yearly, investing should over a good amount of time get you more when you average it back to yearly yield.
Over a long term timeframe it’s pretty likely you’d come out poorer if you keep the flat and rent it compared to if you did some fairly unexciting and hands off investing.
* moderate - low risk level, well diversified, global. Or just the S&P500