Garage Heating. Last year we moved from oil to gas heating, the boiler being in the garage. I have discovered that the oil boiler provided some heat in the garage - enough to take the chill out of the air. The gas boiler provided no such heat and the temperature of the garage is the same as being outside. I don’t need the garage to be toasty warm but I need it slightly warmer than outside.
Suggestions for some form of heating. FYI I don’t believe a radiator would be a viable option. Something stand alone outside of the gas would be my preference and something that is not costly to run.
Garage Heating. Last year we moved from oil to gas heating, the boiler being in the garage. I have discovered that the oil boiler provided some heat in the garage - enough to take the chill out of the air. The gas boiler provided no such heat and the temperature of the garage is the same as being outside. I don’t need the garage to be toasty warm but I need it slightly warmer than outside.
Suggestions for some form of heating. FYI I don’t believe a radiator would be a viable option. Something stand alone outside of the gas would be my preference and something that is not costly to run.
Thanks all.