Well that was a waste of a day. After reading so much conflicting advice online think I shouldn't have sealed the dusty garage floor with PVA if I want to ever paint/epoxy it.
At least it should be better for the winter but definitely not looking forward to scrubbing it all off when the time comes.
From what I've read because it's glue, whenever you get it wet, or use a water based paint it will soften. I thought using a 2K paint or epoxy would get around this issue but doesn't seem the case. Having said that the garage is already much less dusty already.
Well that was a waste of a day. After reading so much conflicting advice online think I shouldn't have sealed the dusty garage floor with PVA if I want to ever paint/epoxy it.
At least it should be better for the winter but definitely not looking forward to scrubbing it all off when the time comes.