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  • Not sure where to post this but I'll put it here.

    Turns out I really miss my commute into the office. Not the commute as such, but the fact it allowed me to ride every day. Apart from the odd day here and there I've been WFH since March, so the daily need to ride has gone out of the window. During lockdown proper I was out a lot in the mornings before work as the roads were so quiet. It was great. Now everyone is driving everywhere, a pre-work ride means getting up insanely early to avoid the worst of the SE London traffic and my discipline and motivation has nosedived.

    My commute was junk miles I guess, but it accounted for 120km a week which is a lot to miss out on.

    Is anyone else in a similar situation? Have you found motivation to get out every day?

    (Before anyone says, I hate the turbo so it's not an option)


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