This is getting really technical, sorry if I'm exhausting this thread!
The EXIF data is always stripped on upload by IMGUR, so you will never find any of that with the BikeTag images. We want to save only the GPS coordinates from that data and we want to save it to the "found tag" only so that we can build the map/leaderboard. To ensure quality data we have to supplement this with a map to the end user on upload ("Is this really where you are? --> drop a pin on the map") and then we also have to add the appropriate checkboxes and GDPR notices.
Our progression of features has been slow with our existing communities, so things like this are a natural next step for us. I don't know how that would translate to these other forums and games that have gone stale, but maybe?
If anyone is interested in helping out/participating with our history efforts, dev projects, or even using the BikeTag app for your games here reach out to me.
I love those filters that you could add to a map or a leaderboard. Our current leaderboard is as raw as it gets, just a list with the number of tags next to the users submitted name. What I am envisioning is something like that link above built in Tableau. But honestly, as the sole developer on the project for the last two years, after having spent the last 6 weeks hacking away on this and the 5,000 lines of supporting code that it runs on, I can only do so much.
The only thing holding us back from making a map is the fact that we don't have any GPS data saved in the images. I wrote some code to pull EXIF data out of the images before uploading to Imgur (which strips all EXIF data) and to save that into the images, but it had something wrong and I was getting incorrect coordinates so I shelved it. But once we have that data (and I'm sure people would be happy to backport their games with this data) we can start to show things like greatest distance between tags and quickest tag.
The game in Seattle has been going HAM for weeks now. Yesterday they had 4 tags and they have been averaging like 2 tags a day for a long time. They actively snipe each other as well, and people will be attempting to upload their new tag and see that they've already been sniped. It's awesome and they are really great sports about it, which I enjoy. I enjoy the BikeTag community and most of it's members who are just about getting out there on your bike and enjoying it.