Good stuff. I've ridden this a couple of times. First back once after leaving the bunch behind and then a couple of years later it was my grrl's first 200k - she rode it on her SS Langster. So this ride seems to have a bit of singlespeed love. :)
We were going to ride a 200k yesterday for her RRTY but bailed as we'd been out the night before and it was a late rise. Ended up doing a very chilly 100k loop. Next weekend looking better for the 200k.
I did my first fixed gear audax on Saturday. I rode alone, and bumped into someone at the start riding single speed.
I am really, really feeling it in my legs even today but still pretty chuffed with myself.
Event details at https://sites.google.com/site/thamesvalleyaudax/events-in-the-thames-valley-area/south-bucks-ctc-events/WW2020%20R2RiderDoc.gpx?attredirects=0&d=1
On the whole this was a good ride to do fixed.