Absolutely, I’m definitely a fan. The hype comment was tongue in cheek really - he is really open about how much he hates the admin side of running a business and, if you can afford to, I’m sure it would be super tempting just to wrap it all up for a bit and have a break.
Price wise, agreed if you’re in the us. Getting one here is a bit more painful.
Yeah, shipping to UK would be a bit prohibitive (overall price wise). If I ever want one (presuming they're available) I'll take a holiday, take a shit frame with me in a bike box, buy a Crust, leave other frame in US. Trip to Murica and new bike all in one go.
Absolutely, I’m definitely a fan. The hype comment was tongue in cheek really - he is really open about how much he hates the admin side of running a business and, if you can afford to, I’m sure it would be super tempting just to wrap it all up for a bit and have a break.
Price wise, agreed if you’re in the us. Getting one here is a bit more painful.