Spot on.
There are very good wheelset to be had at a reasonable price straight out if the factory. I think it is fair to say that the majority of new wave cyclists are mainly looking for "lighter" or "aero" or perhaps just a label. The market is saturated with this stuff. I firmly believe you could write Zipp on a turd and sell it in a bike shop.
Having got into wheelbuilding a couple of years ago for me it is about the almost limitless combinations you can put together. There are so many quality components to choose from. I also find it extremely satisfying and rewarding (i am old) and the only inherent skill you need is patience.
I wouldn't buy another wheelset off the shelf.
Exactly - the market has changed to the point where it's all but impossible to shop build a wheel at a price lower than a basic factory wheel. Shops no longer build frames, as so many did even when I was a boy. They need to acknowledge that hand-built wheels are also a high-cost, high-skill niche business best left to a few expert specialists.