I wonder if I should be introducing a V60 into my life? I also wonder if an Aeropress with reusable metal filters work to the same extent as the paper stuff. I don't like the idea of single use filters but I'm definitely already in the risk realm for any cardiovascular shit with my SuperThickMilkshakeBlood™
Sounds like paper filters are a winner. Sorry trees!
Always a v60 over an aeropress for filter for me. The aeropress is good but you get a much better range of flavours from a v60 imo. You could get a chemex/woodneck with a cloth filter to avoid paper but I think the cleaning is a bit of a faff.
I wonder if I should be introducing a V60 into my life? I also wonder if an Aeropress with reusable metal filters work to the same extent as the paper stuff. I don't like the idea of single use filters but I'm definitely already in the risk realm for any cardiovascular shit with my SuperThickMilkshakeBlood™
Sounds like paper filters are a winner. Sorry trees!