We had the AGM for our flats the other night. The agents that deal with this seem quite good but I wonder if their rental department are more scummy? I have no idea of responsibilities to tenants either, like am I on the hook for changing light bulbs and dumb shit they should be doing, or is it just bigger issues a landlord deals with?
The landlord I had when I rented was fine but I'm not exactly a hassle to deal with. I'm not fussy and I can do stuff myself. I'd like to be like that landlord but who knows what tenants are like 'in general'.
If you already own and have lived in the place, it's different story I think. You know it. Owning a share of freehold will reduce risks from that area. Most agents are terrible. The landlords in my block use agents but end up getting involved with many things or risk losing their tenants. Leaks, repairs, the lot. If you're prepared to be on the end of a phone and can do the paperwork, I would manage it yourself.