I threw my trail shoes in the bin yesterday as I noticed I'd ripped some of the lugs off, and the soles were a bit too smooth in other places (too much running on roads, I think - the last trail race I did was 30% road!!). I'm glad to see the back of them as they smelled horrific and I have lots of bad memories of wearing them. But I do have another trail race coming up in a couple of weeks so I should probably buy new shoes. What are decathlon trail shoes like? I don't want to spend $$$ as every time I do a trail race I tell myself I'm never doing another one.
I threw my trail shoes in the bin yesterday as I noticed I'd ripped some of the lugs off, and the soles were a bit too smooth in other places (too much running on roads, I think - the last trail race I did was 30% road!!). I'm glad to see the back of them as they smelled horrific and I have lots of bad memories of wearing them. But I do have another trail race coming up in a couple of weeks so I should probably buy new shoes. What are decathlon trail shoes like? I don't want to spend $$$ as every time I do a trail race I tell myself I'm never doing another one.