Interesting - that probably stems somewhat from 'learning' to code with Java, VBA and then R at university (maths/stats), then trying to pick up Python in recent years. Most of my stuff i've done at work has been VBA in spreadsheets with financial data. I've never really learned properly how to write more advanced programs, all of the main stuff etc just confuses me.
Explanation on enumerate makes sense and thanks for that, very helpful!
Yeah, in the sense of explicit iteration variables
for i in range(...)
is shorthand forfoo[slice(None, None, d)]
so it's indexing with a slice object with a stride of d.Iterations over objects in python3 almost always produce generators, which are objects that you can iterate over but produce their results lazily.
Imagine that the code you had written did something like:
With an eager generator, you have to make all the pairs to iterate over only to discard most of them when you exit early. With a lazy generator, you can avoid that (and can even deal with an infinite stream of data as long as you terminate at some point).