I’m simplifying here but in my experience small time Trades people will not repair a boiler if it’s the actual boiler that’s stopped working rather than the controller, piping or valves that are connected to it.
Questions to ask will be
do you have experience working on this make/model
Do you carry parts, if not can you get parts today
If you strongly suspect it’s the boiler and not something connected to it then you might get more luck talking to the manufacturer and getting a repair through them.
Sorry to not reply sooner. Yeah. I think it's the boiler. Heating on ALL evening. Boiler pressure high. SPLURGE.
I drained some out of a rad and then turned the boiler off.
I’m simplifying here but in my experience small time Trades people will not repair a boiler if it’s the actual boiler that’s stopped working rather than the controller, piping or valves that are connected to it.
Questions to ask will be
If you strongly suspect it’s the boiler and not something connected to it then you might get more luck talking to the manufacturer and getting a repair through them.