Not the most fun way of spending half a week off, but now I've got 6.25m^2 more room to dump our crap.
I assumed that the beams in the loft would be the same distance apart, parallel & level & I was wrong on all three counts. Still, managed to make it work with loft legs & then some planks across the top to even it out, then a lot of calculating loft board lengths & cutting. I think my furloughed neighbour, is probably regretting lending me his circular saw as it was on the go seemingly all of last week.
Not the most fun way of spending half a week off, but now I've got 6.25m^2 more room to dump our crap.
I assumed that the beams in the loft would be the same distance apart, parallel & level & I was wrong on all three counts. Still, managed to make it work with loft legs & then some planks across the top to even it out, then a lot of calculating loft board lengths & cutting. I think my furloughed neighbour, is probably regretting lending me his circular saw as it was on the go seemingly all of last week.
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