Got a few bits that's come off a TT build that never really happened.
Deda Crono nero bars 40mm - as above, 3 x turbo sessions from new then removed. Small marks where bars were fitted. Pro bar tape fitted. I'd like £25 -> £20 posted
BLB TT brakes - as above fitted on bars for 3 x turbo sesh's then removed. didn't even fit a cable to them. £25 ->£20 posted
Wolf Tooth Dropstop 50T chainring / 5 bolt 110 bcd - brand new in unopened packaging. Paid £80 new. Would like £70 -> £60 -> £55 posted
Got a few bits that's come off a TT build that never really happened.
Deda Crono nero bars 40mm - as above, 3 x turbo sessions from new then removed. Small marks where bars were fitted. Pro bar tape fitted. I'd like £25 -> £20 posted
BLB TT brakes - as above fitted on bars for 3 x turbo sesh's then removed. didn't even fit a cable to them. £25 ->£20 posted
Wolf Tooth Dropstop 50T chainring / 5 bolt 110 bcd - brand new in unopened packaging. Paid £80 new. Would like £70 -> £60 -> £55 posted