This is true, the Hue lamps are not cheap though with built in programming, I had one in the front room, it was flashing and wouldn’t settle down even with the Philips app on my phone.. probably my lack of tech understanding.
Also the domestic market is flooded with E27 led filament lamps, prices have fallen significantly I think.
I have one bulb that, regardless of what I do, turns on at midday. I eventually gave up troubleshooting and just set up a routine that turned it off again 30 seconds later.
Motion sensors to turn on my hall lights (with different brightness depending on the time) was great in my old place.
This is true, the Hue lamps are not cheap though with built in programming, I had one in the front room, it was flashing and wouldn’t settle down even with the Philips app on my phone.. probably my lack of tech understanding.
Also the domestic market is flooded with E27 led filament lamps, prices have fallen significantly I think.