I've been playing around with a few but this one was 250g of plain flour (just normal bread flour, I tried to use caputo 00 pizza but they're weren't as good), 3 or 4 heaped dessert spoons of yoghurt (my wife can't eat dairy so I used alpro natural), 1 teaspoon of doves farm quick yeast.
Mix flour and yeast in a bowl with some salt, make a well in the middle add yoghurt and a tbsp of olive oil mix together and the add small amounts of water until you get a dough you can knead, knead for about 10 mins then leave in an oiled bowl until it doubles in size (only takes about an hour with the doves farm yeast)
I cook them on high heat, the same as pizza, but they cook in about half the time and need a lot of turning (I coat them in garlic oil every time I turn them)
Yes! They look great, do you have a recipe? And at high heat or a bit lower? I’ve been having decent success at medium to low heat.
And more on topic: Got a delivery of 5kg of Caputo red, curious if it’ll make a significant difference to the blue we’ve been using before. Made a biga yesterday evening, mixed and shaped this morning so should be good to go tomorrow.