I eventually managed to get it to start up by holding down the power button and plugging the magsafe in after 10 seconds. It didn't recognise the battery so I powered down opened it up, disconnected and reconnected the battery. It started up first time but the fans we're working over time so I reset the SMC and all seems ok again. Recognises the battery, charged to 100% and fans off.
I have a mid 2009 17" MBP that I occasionally use to watch movies on. It's worked perfectly since 09 however this morning I tried to turn it on, and nothing. It's been sat unplugged for a while and in my cold house (building work for 2 weeks so no heating on). It's been plugged in since 8 this morning and the battery indicator on the side still only flashes on the first light which to me says it's not charging. Is it possible that it's too cold, or is it more likely that the battery has just finally given up?