It's a 58mm basket but from reading around, they'll only take around 16g max and there's a lot of debate about whether that's too much.
The Silvia has this large nut feature on the shower screen and there's a lot of discussion around cracks in the puck as a result of large doses pushing against it. At 14g I can already get small indent in the puck from the nut.Is my lower dose likely to impact my sour / acidic taste?
Yeah, I've been deep into the coffee forums and Youtube trying to find as much info as I can.
I'm using Pact's house espresso blend as a starter, 14g into the basket, using a distributer and then tamping + a little temperature surfing. Can get ~28g out in around 30 seconds but it still tastes awful.
Not sure that my grinder isn't the bottleneck to be honest, I'm as fine as it will go.
I bought it from Bella Barista and turns out they're quite local to me - think I'm going to give them a call and see if they've got any tips/suggestions.