All of this kitchen worktop chat has really got under my skin now.
It's a wooden worktop - I'm guessing oak - which was installed badly.
It has an under-hung sink, but has been cut back too far and has no drip groove - meaning that it's got rot all over the shop.
The join to the other sheets is also coming apart, which I'll put down to warping (although I'm not going to take it apart to check).
The question, then, is do I bother to refurb like @Howard and his impressive effort, or do I splash out ~£100 on a new / used worktop and cut it to fit (so another £50 for a jig, which could be sold after), while also taking the opportunity to seal it a bit better than the current one.
We have a 5-year plan for the kitchen though (i.e. we'll do it up when we've done a whole load of other stuff), which makes spending money on it feel a bit profligate, but then if we refurb, we'll have to do it a couple more times, and likely won't fix the problem with the joins.
The whole kitchen design is just so wrong - it's a good sized room, but the way it's laid out means that all activity ends up in one corner, which is in the way of anyone else trying to use the kitchen.
All of this kitchen worktop chat has really got under my skin now.
It's a wooden worktop - I'm guessing oak - which was installed badly.
It has an under-hung sink, but has been cut back too far and has no drip groove - meaning that it's got rot all over the shop.
The join to the other sheets is also coming apart, which I'll put down to warping (although I'm not going to take it apart to check).
The question, then, is do I bother to refurb like @Howard and his impressive effort, or do I splash out ~£100 on a new / used worktop and cut it to fit (so another £50 for a jig, which could be sold after), while also taking the opportunity to seal it a bit better than the current one.
We have a 5-year plan for the kitchen though (i.e. we'll do it up when we've done a whole load of other stuff), which makes spending money on it feel a bit profligate, but then if we refurb, we'll have to do it a couple more times, and likely won't fix the problem with the joins.