to heat the next floor I am thinking of running a coil of copper pipe inside the woodburner, it's a diy rocket stove type arrangement, so it would be suited nicely to this as there is a gap between the fire chamber and outer case.
I'd try and get a stainless steel pipe for the coil inside the burner. Copper probably won't last long in the acidic hot gasses.
We have a Vilager wood/multifuel stove with the internal back boiler.
That's a stainless steel multipass heat exchanger and the rest of the piping is copper.
There's a mains fed header tank with a float valve for filling and also external vented overflow for float valve failure or boiling, which takes care of the expansion/contraction.The heating pump and its temperature sensor is up in the loft, and takes a while to switch on to get heat to the downstairs radiators. The convection flow is sufficient to heat the two upstairs radiators.
Having storage heating and the stove, I've been looking at infrared panel heating and have just ordered one for the bathroom.
seeking a bit of advice here.
my girlfriend and I are fortunate have a nice little place to go to on the weekends that I am refurbishing but it only has a wood burner for heating on the ground floor. the next two floors get no heat, you would think heat would rise up but it doesn't seem to, it just sits on the ground floor.
so to heat the next floor I am thinking of running a coil of copper pipe inside the woodburner, it's a diy rocket stove type arrangement, so it would be suited nicely to this as there is a gap between the fire chamber and outer case. the coil would be in the burner and running out and up to the next floor where it would be plumbed in to a radiator and working on a thermo-syphon to heat the radiator and circulate the water.
this is just my basic thinking, plumbing isn't my forte. I am presuming that I will need a pressure valve of some kind or over flow? would that be right and if so, any pointers?