I'd go for the Rhinowares personally. Always found the pentagonal bit of the Porlex to be a pain, handle flying off is relatively common (though they may have addressed this issues recently, mine is about 10 years old at this point). Rhino feels much easier to use and has a hex bit, so popping a drill on there is simple if you fancy it. Rhino can't go fine enough for espresso while the Porlex can though. Hario hand grinders generally have the same penta-bit issues as the Porlex, probably the only bit of Hario's range I'd actively disuade people from.
I'd go for the Rhinowares personally. Always found the pentagonal bit of the Porlex to be a pain, handle flying off is relatively common (though they may have addressed this issues recently, mine is about 10 years old at this point). Rhino feels much easier to use and has a hex bit, so popping a drill on there is simple if you fancy it. Rhino can't go fine enough for espresso while the Porlex can though. Hario hand grinders generally have the same penta-bit issues as the Porlex, probably the only bit of Hario's range I'd actively disuade people from.